Friday, August 13, 2010

One Word By Annie

My friend had decided to home-school her kindergartner. As the fall approached her apprehension mounted, could she really do it? Finally she decided to go to a homeschooling conference where she hoped to get help. A homeschooling veteran of 20 years was there answering questions after her lecture. My friend waited in a long line while mentally listing all the doubts and questions she had about homeschooling.

She eventually made it to the front of the line and poured out her concerns to the home-school goddess, "What curriculum should I use, they all look good to me! What do I do with her siblings while I'm trying to teach? How much time a day should I spend teaching? Do you recommend starting a foreign language in kindergarten?" etc.

The woman listened silently and when the barrage had stopped she said calmly, "I have one word for you. It's the best advice I can give."

My friend waited wide eyed for the magic word that would solve all her home-school fears.

And the woman said, "Chill."

"Chill? As in.........?"

"As in, really, RELAX! It's kindergarten for crying out loud! Play games with her, read to her, talk to her. But realize that your attitude does far more than any curriculum and if she learns from you that school is fun, she'll believe it and learn without even trying. Good luck! Next!"

I thought this story was hilarious but I also thought it was extremely helpful. Now I have a 5th, 3rd and Preschooler, but it still holds true. If I'm relaxed and having fun teaching........they are relaxed and having fun learning. If I'm laughing, they're laughing. If I'm enthusiastic, they mirror that enthusiasm. There are days when I forget this, days when I get wound up tighter than a yo-yo, days I fail to impart my love for them and the math concept. But as Rose spills the paint, and Rowan writes his name backwards, and Avonlea shed martyrs tears over math, Grant can only think frogs, and my temperature is rising at an alarming rate, I remember one word, and I often say it out loud,

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