Friday, October 1, 2010

Grant's Photos

Grant's assignment on Thursday was to take 10 pictures. The idea was for him to take pictures of the reasons he loves being at home and home-schooled. He will write his reasons under the pictures.
I like playing with my sister at home. I like listening to her music.
I like tackling my cat. He's fun to play with.

I like catching food for my frogs and I like to play with them. I catch flies, crickets, spiders, and soldier bugs.

I like to feed my big frog crickets and watch him eat them. He's fun to hold.

I play with my dog lots. We have races. Her name is Winnie-the-Pooch.

This is Tim and Monk. Tim is the dog and Monk is the monkey (it's really curious George). I like throwing them.

This is Guinevere, my cat. I like to play with her, she's very nice.

This is my very nice mommy, I love her very much. This is little Rosy. It is fun to kiss them.

This is my brother Rowan. I really like to play with him. I like to throw stuffed animals at him and I tackle him.

This is Tim again. He is my favorite stuffed animal. I had a no platelets and Nancy Jackson gave him to me and when they looked at my platelets again I had just the right amount.

1 comment:

  1. Those are great pictures, Grant.
    You have very good and well-thought out reasons for why you enjoy being schooled at home!
